BubbleShare: Share photos - Here comes Halloween!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I've been busy

Wow. I haven't updated in a week. I've been really busy.

Saturday I went for another hike with mommy and daddy. We went to Penisula and hiked a trail by an old part of the Ohio-Erie canal and stone quarries.

On Monday, Mommy went to a work meeting and forgot to lock the cage (She insists I opened it!). I came running up to her when she got home. I had one little accident and I ate daddy's band posters. Oops!

Monday in puppy class we learned laydown, leave it, take it, and more about walking on a leash! After class, mommy bought be two new toys because I'm so spoiled. She got me a new weenie dog. He's a skeleton. We call him skeleweenie. Then I got a polar bear to go with my walrus.

I've been wearing my green sweater because its been so cold.

Love, Zoe.

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